OSDBU’s website www.va.gov/osdbu is a reference page for information on VA’s small business program. Please check the website periodically to see upcoming Opportunity Showcases (industry specific events with the participation of VA decision makers from their different industry areas).
If you own a service disable veteran owned small business (SDVOSB) or veteran owned small business (VOSB) preparing to do business with the VA you need to be registered online in our Vendors Information Pages at www.vetbiz.gov.
VA contract opportunities are posted online at the Forecast of Contracting Opportunities page. You can query the Forecast by state or region to identify opportunities. To visit our Forecast of Contracting Opportunities (FCO) go to http://www.va.gov/osdbu/dbwva/index.asp.
Start marketing your business to VA small business points of contact listing. You can review and use the small business points of contact listing when you go to http://www.va.gov/osdbu/contacts/sbcontacts.asp. There are small business points of contact throughout our Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISNs).