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ASBCC / USWCC Washington Headquarters Services Connect Network Meeting

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Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Start Time: 11:00 AM EST
End Time: 12:00 PM EST

Location: Web Conference

Fees: Register Now
Business Member - $0
Supplier - $0
Registrant - $35
Member Plus - $0
Board of Experts - $0
Association Partner - $35
Association Member - $35
Resource Partner - $0
Govt Supporting Member - $0
Government Member - $0
Prime Contr Sup Mbr - $0
Prime Contractor Mbr - $0
Leadership Team - $0

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Region: National
Network: NASBC Gov't Contracting Supplier Council
Group: FedGov: Air Force, Federal Government Contracting
Category: Dept of Defense, Goaling, Government Contracting
Tags: small business, federal government contracting, agencies, primes, opportunities, wosb, WHS, Washingt

Please join The American Small Business Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce for the Washington Headquarters Services Connect Network Meeting.  This meeting will focus on the buying activities for the Washington Headquarter Services and will include information and contacts.  This meeting will also be a forum for you to share your feedback, your experiences, and to make any suggestions you have to increase access to Washington Headquarter Services
small business contracts.

Hope you can join us!

Cris Young, CEO ASBCC
Margot Dorfman, VP - ASBCC, CEO - USWCC

Guest Presenter:

Mark Gazillo, Director OSP
Washington Headquarters Services(WHS)

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